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Johnny Depp: Will Amber Sue Again?

Deep Heard can be sued again

Are the upcoming anti-mud negotiations already on the horizon?

Even after the verdict, Amber Heard continues to shoot hard at Johnny Depp. That can be costly, a US attorney explains.

Publication date: 06/25/2022 at 17:29

The mud-fighting operation was left as a big loser: Amber Heard (36). The actress has to pay former Hollywood star Johnny Depp (59) more than ten million US dollars. But even if the jury turns against her, Heard does not want to accept the verdict: she has already announced that she will appeal and continue to shoot her ex-husband, and this could cost her dearly.

In an interview with NBC, she hinted, among other things, that Depp abused several women. A claim she could not confirm in court.