
Complete News World

Tension in Tokyo hotel because Bill Kaulitz drinks too much

So the Tokio Hotel bandmate wanted to distance himself

Bill Kaulitz talks about his alcohol consumption

Bill Kaulitz loves to drink and often, he also writes on the podcast with his brother Tom Kaulitz. But this exact behavior goes against the direction of one of the band members. The Tokio hotel star is now talking about his alcoholic image.

Publication date: 7:49 pm


Updated: 8:47 PM

Bill Kaulitz, 32, isn’t even trying to polish his alcoholic image. The Tokio hotel singer doesn’t think he drinks much: In the podcast, which he runs on Spotify with his twin brother Tom Kaulitz (32), the man appeared drunk. He doesn’t want to know anything about the alcohol problem.

“Yes, I’m drunk,” admits Bill Kaulitz in the new podcast episode “Kaulitz Hills – Mustard from Hollywood.” Heidi Klum’s brother-in-law (49) treats himself to a drink before starting the recording and while recording the podcast. He realizes that not everyone likes to drink it. “Wouldn’t it be nice if I could relax a little?” He continues, “Otherwise I’ll work my ass.”