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The Bernese couple spent seven days in Australia waiting for their suitcases

The Bernese couple spent seven days in Australia waiting for their suitcases reader Jeannine J.* (35) is currently on her honeymoon in Australia and New Zealand with her husband Aslan (34). But the trip turns out to be a hassle – because their suitcases were in Zurich.

What happened? On Thursday, November 30, Bernese flew from Zurich to Cairns via Singapore. Then there was the shock in the city in Australia’s tropical north: “Our suitcases are not in baggage claim.”

They already suspected that something was wrong during the flight with Singapore Airlines. A colleague who had traveled with them from Zurich to Singapore had attached a tag to his suitcase. “Already on the way she said the suitcase tag was still showing,” says Jeanine.

When she landed in Singapore her suitcase was in Switzerland. Reader Jeanine says: “We suspected our suitcase wouldn’t arrive either.” Actually the baggage we expected was not there.

An airport employee in Cairns explained to them that he had left a total of 80 suitcases in Zurich. This is due to a defective tape. The luggage should arrive the next day and be delivered to the hotel. At least that’s what it was called…

At the airport, the couple received about 300 Australian dollars (about 173 francs) to “buy essentials”. Because neither of them have important things like cell phone chargers, contact lenses or medicine.

But the newlyweds’ suitcases were still missing from the hotel the next day. Singapore Airlines says it is searching for lost luggage. Zurich Airport told the mother of a colleague who was flying with her: The luggage could not be sent because the next flights were already overbooked and there was no space.

This is not only annoying but also makes things more complicated. Because: From now on, the Bernese couple will travel in a camper and no longer have a fixed location. Jeanine says: “Luckily we packed some clothes in our hand luggage. But we don’t really have anything, it’s not that big. Even though we had packed two full suitcases we still had to go shopping.

The couple has been waiting for the missing luggage for more than seven or eight days. Jeanine and Aslan have now received information that they will soon be able to pick up their suitcases at the Townsville airport. The city in northeastern Australia is on the path of Jeanine and Aslan.

*Know the teacher’s name