
Complete News World

Marvin Wildhag exposes the lies of Vanessa Mariposa and Calvin Kleinen

Influencers should be wary of Marvin Wildhage (26). Youtuber exposes social media personalities who are not special about the truth. He announced on YouTube: “I thought it was time to test my influencers again.” He already knows how he wants to do it: “I’m making the worst movie ever and seeing who the influencer is promoting it.”

The result is “A Hole” (German: “a hole”) – supposedly an art house-style thriller. “In stylized images full of magical realism, we see the search from the unstoppable aperture – and it’s not just the end of the movie, it’s the end of everything,” says the fake press release. But the content of the film is meaningless and poorly made. Wildhag calls it trash, because the mysterious “hole,” he says, is “the Polo hole.” This was even shown in a strange way on a movie poster.