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How was the “Independence Day” celebrated at the US Embassy in Vienna »Ledersent

How was the “Independence Day” celebrated at the US Embassy in Vienna »Ledersent

| Tobias Seyfried

| 07/09/2023

In the feudal residence, American Independence Day was celebrated with a slight delay this year.

Independence Day is celebrated as the “birthday” of the United States of America as a free and independent nation. Most Americans call this day the Fourth of July because it is always celebrated on this day.

Of course, Independence Day is also celebrated in all official offices of the United States. Ceremonies at the US Embassy in Vienna took place with a slight delay this year. As in previous years, the traditional Independence Day party was held in the luxurious residence of the US Embassy. Thanks to the good weather, the party moved mostly outside.

Many guests from politics and business after the invitation of the US Ambassador Victoria Righi and her deputy Mario Mesquita. Among others were Wolfgang Sobotka, Elisabeth Gurtler, Suzanne Harff, Daniel Spira, Philipp Podzinta, Martina Werner Slabend, Norbert Tutschnig, Johann Raschinger, Helene von Dam, Margarete Schrambeck,

You can see who attended the celebration in the gallery.