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Carmen Jess defends herself against plastic surgery allegations

Criticism after lingerie pictures

Carmen Jess defends herself against plastic surgery allegations

Carmen Jess proudly shows off her new character on Instagram. The reality TV star lost weight. However, her followers believed that she had help.


Carmen Jess is proud of this photo. I lost five kilograms in six weeks.

Carmen Jess, 57, does not like criticism of her new character. The reality TV star posted a photo on Instagram a few days ago that showed she’s a lot slimmer than she’s been for a while. “Now I’m a bit proud, because the discipline and five kilos less became really noticeable and visible after six weeks,” she wrote.

Carmen Jess wows fans with a new look

Would you have known her? Carmen Jess wows fans with a new look(00:59)

However, some users under this post are suspicious of their discipline. They assume Jess did not lose weight naturally. One user thinks “Well, the stomach has been surgically tightened.” Another user claims: “You can clearly see that you’ve narrowed your waist with Photoshop, it’s all wrong with the background.” Jess is now defending himself against these allegations.