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Android 15 expects a major update to volume settings

Android 15 expects a major update to volume settings

Google will have some changes planned for Android 15, and more and more of them are becoming known.

Google has already started with Android 14 and recently changed the quick settings for volume. The Ribbon has been modified and now looks more modern and easier to use. But the rest of the settings are still at the level of the last few years and should change.

This is currently not relevant:


The new design has already been implemented, which Google is currently testing in the preview version of Android 15 and will likely bring it to Pixel devices running Android 15. Google will significantly revise the overall panel and make it easier to use.

Sound settings for Android 15Sound settings for Android 15

Not only are there new looks and animations, there are also functional changes. This includes removing the title, where in Android 15 we find a permanently visible button to eject media so we can switch to headphones or a streaming device, for example.

You can also watch the full update in the video below Robot body Looking at.

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