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Wow: Because of the sexism scandal - the developers renamed the successes

Wow: Because of the sexism scandal – the developers renamed the successes

from Sarah Petzold
Blizzard’s sexism scandal is stirring wide (re)circuits in WoW: developers have now renamed several successes in the English-language version that players might previously have found inappropriate.

Following the developers at Blizzard as a result of sexism scandals already references Affected team members have been removed from their games Now it’s time for achievements in World of Warcraft. Many successes, the names of which can be considered inappropriate, so now new names have been given in the English version.

No more “brothers” and big eggs

The changes specifically affect the following two successes, each of which will be renamed:

Developers are now renaming successes directly from the team’s promise to remove inappropriate and potentially sexist content from WoW (Buy now 14.99 € ) to remove. In the official announcement issued on July 27, 2021, the team wrote:

Additionally, as we seek advice from our team in our internal work to protect minorities and hold those who threaten them to account, we want to act immediately to remove allusions in Azeroth that are inappropriate for our world. This work is already in progress and you will see many of these changes in both Shadowlands and WoW Classic in the coming days.

That was a particularly outstanding example Marshal Afrasiaby as NPC has been removed from Stormwind. Renaming achievements adds to the amount of customizations related to them. We do not yet know if the German successes will receive new names as well. But since the German transcription of both achievements (“My Dolce & Giganta bag‘” as “fraternal Christmas‘) seems innocuous, we’re not assuming a name change.

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