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What kinds of fruits should be well protected?

What kinds of fruits should be well protected?

  1. 24vita
  2. Live healthy

Nutrition plays an important role in preventing dementia. Two types of fruit are said to be particularly suitable because of certain ingredients.

Although there is no absolute guarantee against developing dementia in old age, you can still keep your brain in good shape by adopting a healthy lifestyle. In addition to adequate physical exercise and social interaction, nutrition plays a particularly critical role. Certain foods can promote brain health and thus reduce the risk of dementia. Recent research suggests that eating two types of fruits regularly can improve cognitive performance.

Flavonoids (Secondary plant substances) can have a positive effect on dementia risk. They occur, among other things, in certain types of fruit. © Goodloz/Imago

Two types of fruits can protect well against dementia

  • Minor plant substances such as flavonoids, which are found in various fruits and vegetables as well as in cocoa and tea, can have a positive effect on mental performance.
  • One Stady of Columbia University in New York examined the relationship between flavonoids and mental fitness.
  • The study included about 3,600 healthy people aged about 70 years.
  • Half of the participants took 500 milligrams of the flavanols found in cocoa per day, while the other half received a placebo.
  • Urine samples were used to accurately determine the amount of flavonoids in a subgroup of 1,400 subjects.
  • Mental performance was measured using tests.
  • The results showed that the people who ate the best diet had the least decline in mental fitness.
  • The addition of flavanols in pill form improved cognitive performance and prevented decline in participants with low intakes of flavonoids.
  • In participants who regularly ate apples and berries, the addition of flavanols had no effect. Accordingly, these two types of fruits protect against dementia.
  • Thus flavonoids could be useful in preventing diseases associated with dementia, but it is unclear whether there is a critical time window for their effect, suggests Professor D. Bernhard Watzl, president of the German Dietetic Association, noted. According to the expert, you may already be making leading decisions about what you eat when you’re 20 or 40.

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