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Trapped in DFU Mode: macOS 14 Sonoma makes recovery easier

Trapped in DFU Mode: macOS 14 Sonoma makes recovery easier

Apple makes Mac recovery easier with Apple Silicon. In macOS 14 aka Sonoma, which will probably be released in October, there is a new function that simplifies work with the so-called DFU mode (“Device Firmware Update”). Thus it is possible to restore or revive a computer directly in the File manager Finder; There is no need to go into Apple Configurator (and install it if necessary).


Like developer and Apple leak expert @aaronp613 It was discovered in the current Sonoma beta The “Repair Mac” and “Restore Mac” functions (“Repair” and “Restore”, respectively) appear once your Mac is connected to your computer in DFU mode. (This premise remains the same: You always need a second Mac.) “If you’re having a problem with your Mac, you can try to fix it while keeping your media and data,” Apple writes in the new Finder window. If this is not possible, then the only option is to reset to factory settings, in which all information is deleted.

To start the repair or recovery, the affected Mac is connected with a USB-C cable – the corresponding device must also be a device with Apple Silicon. It’s also a requirement that both Macs be running macOS 14 aka Sonoma — otherwise the Apple Configurator remains mandatory. Normal users shouldn’t experience DFU mode – but it can also occur during normal operation, for example if there was a power outage when updating macOS on a desktop computer and the update could not be completed.

For years, Apple users only knew of DFU mode from the iPhone or iPad, but with Apple’s shift to ARM processors, the technology has also landed on Macs that previously worked with Intel chips. Apple silicon hardware is more isolated than Intel hardware, so you have to use the appropriate Apple tools.

Until macOS 14 comes out, You must start working with the Apple component See this case. The corresponding support document explains how the computers are connected to each other and what functions are available. For example, you need to find the correct USB-C port that supports DFU mode.



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