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Sebastian Povpaf searches for 'FDP's Sharkiest Bee' on 'TV Total'

Sebastian Povpaf searches for ‘FDP’s Sharkiest Bee’ on ‘TV Total’

Is this comedy or sexism? This question is currently being discussed hotly on Twitter. The deciding factor is the new release of “TV Total” with Sebastien Povpaf (45). In the penultimate episode, the comedian gives an interview to the great German politician Gregor Geese (73). The question asked him: “Who is the sharp bee in the new Bundestag?” Gysi: “It’s one of the FDP.” But the politician did not want to be identified: “Find it for yourself!”

TV Total viewers took this mission seriously. After the broadcast, the FDP website briefly collapsed among many visitors, Pufpaff revealed in yesterday’s broadcast. On Google, the words “FDP’s smartest bee” were among the top search terms for a short while. Therefore, Buffbaf again intervened and presented two candidates that, in his opinion, would be suitable for him. It was about FDP politicians Nicole Bauer (34) and Rhea Schroeder (29). As the images of the women faded, there were lewd whistles from the audience. Puffpaff’s reaction: “What we’re doing here is not gender-biased. This is a favor.”