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Scientists may have found the first water planets

Scientists may have found the first water planets

Researchers have been searching in space for a long time, looking for exoplanets and water. The latter is the basic requirement for life as we know it. Scientists are now closer to this goal and suspect that two previously discovered celestial bodies contain water.

Are we alone in the universe? This is one of the central questions of humanity. For a good 30 years we could have said with certainty and in thousands of copies that there are definitely other planets. Since the first exoplanet was discovered in 1992, more than 5,000 planets have been added since then.

In 2014 Kepler-138c and Kepler-138d were discovered, these two exoplanets 217 light-years from our sun. So far both are assumed to be rocky planets with metallic cores. but how Ars Technica Quoting now in natural astronomy Published scientific reports that ratings for both planets have changed.

Revised measurements

Due to revised measurements, it is less dense than previously assumed. This basically has only two possible explanations: The first is an atmosphere containing hydrogen, which is not possible due to its proximity to its star. The other is Jupiter’s moon Europa.
This is how Kepler-138 can be built

Comparing the densities of Kepler-138c and Kepler-138d yields a model in which more than 10 percent of the planet’s mass is water. This means, however, that about half of the planets’ volume will be made of water. Scientists hypothesize that planets have oceans several kilometers deep that actually contain liquid water and an atmosphere of water vapor. Researchers are also asking themselves how these planets managed to form in the first place. They suspect that the planets’ orbital periods provide a clue because they resonate. The researchers believe that the planets most likely formed in a region of their outer system where ice was prevalent, and then migrated inward toward the star until the resonance stabilized their orbits and halted the migration.

Of course, there is no certainty here yet, so one can currently only assume the existence of such water planets. It seems at least clear that even with exoplanets already discovered and analysed, new discoveries are still possible.

See also:

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research, science, space, astronautics, nasa, universe, mars, planet, portal, gateway, space, astronaut, ufo, alien, astronaut, space tourist, space tourism, spacesuit, spacesuit, spacewalk, Spacesuite, Stargate, Portal