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RedWave opens €20 million recycling facility in Australia

RedWave opens €20 million recycling facility in Australia

RedWave opens €20 million recycling facility in Australia

RedWave sorting machine

Eckersdorf near Gross (A). RedWave, internationally known for pioneering innovations in glass recycling from Styria, is proud to announce the opening of Australia's largest glass recycling plant in Laverton. This milestone is the result of a successful partnership between Redwave and Visy, an international leader in glass recycling and manufacturing, with an investment of almost 20 million euros.

The recent launch event in Laverton, Melbourne was the culmination of a successful partnership between RedWave and VC. Wayne Russell, Executive General Manager of Recycling at VC confirms: “By building our new glass recycling facility with RedWave's leading optical sorting machines, we have doubled the volume of glass recycled,” explained Russell.

The facility, capable of processing 200,000 tonnes of waste glass per year, can process both mixed recycled glass and glass from the newly installed Victorian container deposit system. State-of-the-art sensor-based sorting technology ensures accurate sorting according to color and size to retrieve high-quality products for glass manufacturing.

“Working with RedWave guarantees us access to state-of-the-art equipment and a respected technology partner,” continued Russell. RedWave, as the general contractor, was responsible for the entire process from engineering to commissioning to ensure maximum yield from the system.

Implementing Redwave mate SmartPlans software improves plant performance through real-time data collection and processing, enabling tailored, autonomous plant operation and setting a new standard in glass processing.

“We are proud of Redwave's significant contribution to removing glass from landfills in Australia. Thanks to the excellent sorting quality at our facility, we can now reintroduce this glass into the recycling cycle so that new bottles can be produced,” said Sylvia Schweiger-Fuchs, Managing Director of Redwave. .

As a testament to the project's success, Redwave has already awarded a follow-on contract to build another glass recycling facility in Yatala, near Brisbane, which is expected to be completed in early 2025.

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+43 3117 25152-2200

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