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Pop star Beatrice Egli lives very modestly

Pop star Beatrice Egli lives very modestly

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Beatrice Egli is one of the brightest stars in the German pop music sky. I picked up? Wrong thought! The singer is now giving her fans an insight into her humble four walls.

BVIVICON, Switzerland – When TV queen Barbara Schönberger (50) meets pop singer Beatrice Egli (35), the best entertainment is guaranteed. In the podcast “Egli-Extrem”, the two audience favorites talk about the surprisingly modest living conditions of the pop singer.

Beatrice Egli promises: Barbara Schoenberger can furnish her future home

One thing is certain: If Beatrice Egli builds a tiny house one day, Barbara Schoenberger will be responsible for the interior design. The two powerful women made this promise to each other in the current episode of the “Egli Extrem” podcast. Barbara Schönberger immediately fell in love with the idea and said with a smile: “This will be a show on ProSieben. Yes, we are happy to do it. I have a contract with me, you can sign it immediately.”

Unfortunately, there is still a big “but” for Schoenberger: “You don't actually need a home, you're always on the move,” the disappointed TV presenter told the pop star. “That's right, that's why I don't have one yet,” Beatrice Egli replied. “So, do you at least have a small apartment?” Schoenberger asked.

Beatrice Egli experience live

Attention pop music fans: Beatrice Egli is performing in several German cities this summer, and the outdoor concerts are particularly popular with her fans. You can get tickets for less than 50 euros Eventem (Promotional link). There you can also easily choose the seats you want in the location you want.

Pop star Beatrice Egli reveals: 'My apartment is too small'

Regarding the specific question, Egli said that she has a small room to live in, in addition to another room designated for her clothes. This is all that is difficult to imagine for a star of this caliber! “I don't need anything more,” the singer said modestly. “My apartment (living space) is very small, but my clothes area is four times bigger.”

The idea of ​​Beatrice Egli's little apartment intrigued Schoenberger, and one question in particular tormented the moderator: “May I ask how you sort your clothes?” “Sometimes I would like to know that too. That's exactly my problem!”, Beatrice answered with a smile. It is precisely because of this open nature that fans love their pop star. Recently, Beatrice also surprised Egli by admitting to having plastic surgery. Sources used: “Egli-Extrem” podcast.