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"It's time to take our anger out into the street": The "Defend Köpi-Platz" rally with hundreds of participants has ended - Berlin

“It’s time to take our anger out into the street”: The “Defend Köpi-Platz” rally with hundreds of participants has ended – Berlin

Under the slogan “Defense copyPlatts, “Hundreds demonstrated this evening Saturday to protest the imminent evacuation of unemployment copy-Wagenplatz on October 15th. The demonstration moved from Wagenplatz on Köpenicker Strasse in the direction of Rigaer Strasse in Friedrichhain. A few minutes later, the demonstration was temporarily stopped by the police as the demonstrators chanted anti-police slogans. A little later it continued.

According to the police, 1,000 people participated in the demonstration registered. According to Tagesspiegel estimates, about 1,100 to 1,200 people gathered together in the evening. The police were there with a large group and showed their presence.

At the opening session, a speaker called for “centralization and decentralization” across Berlin. “Now is the time to take our anger out onto the streets.” Participants must “unleash their imagination”.

Protesters in RiegerstrassePhoto: a teaspoon

In general, the demonstration was rather peaceful. “Bengalos” and fireworks as well as fireworks were lit over and over again. There were also several minor quarrels with the police. But around 10:30 p.m., the demo ended and resolved peacefully.

In the run-up to the demonstration, the residents declared in a plea: “We will use all means at our disposal to defend ourselves.” In addition, independents mobilized widely for the demonstration and also called for “decentralization measures”, such as arson attacks on cars.

As for how the police were prepared, the spokesman did not want to comment specifically before the demonstration for tactical reasons.

The demonstration was temporarily halted by the police due to anti-police statements.Photo: Madeleine Harbach

The demo also goes through the partially occupied Rigaer Strasse 94, which is now The eviction of the pub “Kadterschmiede” threatens. In the immediate vicinity, the site of another scene, “Liebig 34”, was cleaned up about a year ago.

In the past, before evictions – for example in Liebig 34 – there were frequent attacks of burning cars and damage to property, for example in the offices of real estate companies. Freelance strategy: spread chaos in as many places as possible at the same time.

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Another demonstration was announced on October 9 at 6 p.m. This will start under the banner “United in Fury” at the self-governing “Dorfplatz” on Riegerstrasse and end at Kobeplatz in Mitte.

The reason for the demonstration is the upcoming evacuation and the anniversary of the evacuation of Liebig 34. Several rallies and demonstrations have also been announced for Köpi-Wagenplatz Evacuation Day on October 15.