
Complete News World – 20 strong | New Single by Chip Theory Games on Gamefound

Written by Hanja Schluth, dated .

with “20 Strong” he is New solo system From Chip theory games In the beginning: throwing dice, strategic decisions and resource management. It must be time to play in 30-40 minutes recumbent. The campaign is really extreme successfully in game found.

This is what the game is about

The new single system “20 Strong” can be applied to different decks. Until now three floors Available for promotion in the campaign. The The basic rules remain the samebut every surface has its idiosyncrasies.

After you choose your character, the boss cards are shuffled and thrown separately. The remaining cards are also shuffled and divided into a certain number of decks specified in the rules. You attack opponents with different dice. You can get different rewards. The number of dice you get depends on your morale.

In the course of the game, you improve all the values, you get advantages and you have to defeat ever stronger opponents.

with the “solar guards” You have to avoid any alien invasion. Featuring floors of known worldsToo many bones and “Hoplomachus” Other interesting representatives are already available.

the campaign

So far, “20 Strong” is available in both German (from Frosted Games) and in English. Other localizations may follow. base game “solar guards” available for $30And the All previous floors available for $60. The Extended goals It is already almost fully activated. I to. There are new heroes, bosses or thicker maps.

There are no additional shipping costs for this campaign! In the June 2023 Games must be delivered.

Sources (Status: 26.10.2022):

game found


Tags: dice game, crowdfunding, card game, single game