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63 hot dogs eaten in 10 minutes

Food competition in America

63 hot dogs were devoured in ten minutes

63 Hot Dogs in Ten Minutes: Popular in related circles, Joey Chestnut has once again won the annual American Independence Day Hot Dog Championship.

Published: 49 minutes ago


Updated: 46 minutes ago

He devoured 63 hot dogs in ten minutes in New York – despite his success, he was ultimately unhappy with his performance. Because he wanted to beat his previous world record of 76 hot dogs in 2020.

Chestnut apologized in front of the tournament’s large audience and announced that he wanted to do better in the coming year. But now I don’t want to touch any food for more than a day. Chestnut has now won the competition 15 times, finishing second with just 47.5 sausages and a bun. Mickey Sudo won the women’s competition with 40 hot dogs in ten minutes.