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The first sign of life from the contestants – this photo proves just how difficult the third season was

The first sign of life from the contestants – this photo proves just how difficult the third season was

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Season 3 of 7 ended against the Wild! The 14 participants reported through social media and impressively showed how hard they struggled to survive.

Hope Island, Canada — Many Twitch streamers, YouTubers, and survival experts have spent the last 14 days out in the wilds of Canada filming Season 3 of Season 7 vs. Wild. The fight for survival is now over and the participants have informed the masses via social media. But the first photos of the candidates show just how hungry they are. Knusi and Sasha Hopper in particular seem to have undergone a stark visual makeover.

Title 7 against the Wild Teams
production Fritz Meinecke
participant 14
Type Survival Challenge, Bushcraft, Wilderness
appearance Youtube web series

7 vs. Wild season 3: The nominees’ signs of life – they’ve changed drastically

This photo is causing a stir: Almost all participants reported it on social media. They post stories on Instagram or on Twitter. Sasha Hopper has attracted a lot of attention on his Instagram story. There he appears with his girlfriend, and the die-hard fans just don’t realize that the fitness YouTuber has lost a lot of weight.

The situation is similar with his team partner Knusi. You can also see a clear change in its appearance. Many fans are sure that the two candidates have been together for a long time. We include a reddit post here that shows a before and after comparison:

What do other participants say? Above all, Knosi presents himself in his usual extroverted manner and films all the candidates eating together. You can also see characters like Rumatra, Papaplatte and Reeze there. He also informed the Children of Nature via Instagram. They looked a little disappointed though. Many fans also say that the two participants haven’t changed much visually. Did they leave school prematurely, or did they find enough food in the forest?

The organizer Fritz Meinecke was very excited and satisfied on his Instagram story. However, he does not want to comment on 7 vs. Wild. The visible changes can be seen above all in his teammate SurvivalMattin. The favorites seem to have held out for a long time.

Candidate Hana Assil responded via Instagram, revealing that she had not suffered any injuries and that she had returned. But she didn’t mention her team partner Monkey on Bike. He’s shockingly quiet about Trymacs. The broadcaster reposted a video from Gamescom, but has not been contacted otherwise. You can only see it on Instagram story by Knossi.

7 vs. Wild: Participant Season 3 Begins – Departure Date Known © 7 vs. Wild/Imago (editing)

In the lead-up there were rumors of a serious injury in the third season and the use of a rescue plane. However, in the participants’ current posts, no infected candidate can be seen. However, no one has yet seen all the participants. So this mystery remains unsolved until now. You can learn more here: 7 Against the Wild: Three Teams Ending? From the supposed inside, he talks about the demolition

7 vs. Wild Season 3: When will it start airing? Date and month

What do you already know about broadcasting? Although the candidates have returned from the forests of Canada, the program will not be broadcast for the time being. As in the case of last year, it will probably start in November and the consequences will then extend into December. But there are no set broadcast dates yet.

The third season will then air on Channel 7 vs. Wild on YouTube. It is not yet known how many and how many episodes she will appear in. You can find all about the participants in the season here: 7 vs. Wild: Season 3 participants determined – all 8 teams at a glance