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Shrimp Intestines: Should shrimp’s digestive system be removed?

Shrimp Intestines: Should shrimp’s digestive system be removed?

marine feces

Do you need to remove black intestines from shrimp?

The black line in shrimp is their intestines. It is usually filled with feces. But is it dangerous to eat? An expert explains when it’s safe to eat it.


The black line in shrimp is the gut. You can eat it under certain conditions. Whether you want this is another question.

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Do you like shrimp Then you might also think of the thin black line that runs down the back of the shrimp from time to time. First of all: it is actually a colon. To be more precise: black is everything from stomach, passes through the alimentary canal and then into the alimentary canal of crustaceans. And this digestive tract is filled with shrimp feces.

The thought of eating shrimp offal is scary. But is this dangerous and do you have to pull the bowels every time?

Raw shrimp is not recommended. However, if you cook it properly, you can eat the intestines.

PIXELS / Polina Tankelevich

Intestinal content can cause a sandy bite

To answer, it is worth considering what small crustaceans eat. The expert explains, Dr. Dave love is the opposite of self. He is a seafood scientist, public health and food safety at the Johns Hopkins Center.

“That black streak is a combination of all of these things in different stages of digestion,” he says. But consuming shrimp offal is not necessarily harmful to health. However, if the intestines are not removed, a granular or gritty bite may result.

Well-cooked shrimp droppings are harmless

“Eating the digestive system of shrimp will not make you sick – as long as you cook it well,” explains the expert. Therefore, it is important to steam, bake, or roast crustaceans. An internal temperature of at least 62 degrees must be reached. At this temperature, the shrimp takes on a hard texture and curls into a C shape.

Well-cooked shrimp feces are harmless. Because if you heat the shrimp well, the heat kills the bacteria in it. Oysters should not be eaten raw. Eating it raw can lead to food poisoning. Like raw beef, raw shrimp can, for example E. coli bacteria It contains.

If you want to make the effort, you can devein the shrimp. It’s not necessary if you cook it right.

PIXELS/Dorwin Edwards

How to remove shrimp shell

If you can’t live with the knowledge of eating shrimp offal, you can remove the intestines. To remove the entire digestive tract, first cut once along the back side from top to bottom with a sharp knife.

Then you can use the tip of a knife to pull the black thread out of the hole that was created. Then the shrimp must be rinsed under running water. This way you can be sure that all of the tube residue has been removed.

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