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Love and Thunder are here - starts in July

Love and Thunder are here – starts in July

04/19/2022, 11:08 am19/04/2022, 13:59

After the Marvel Strip “Thor 3: Day of Decision” was a huge success, fans had to wait a long time for a sequel.. Now it’s the first Trailers “Thor 4: Love and Thunder” has been released.

According to rumors, the fourth tape of the superhero movie should surpass all previous parts. Besides Guardians of the Galaxy, goat ships and space sharks The new Marvel movie stars with a first-class cast: On screen, Russell Crowe, Christian Bale, Melissa McCarthy, Matt Damon, and many others will appear.

Portman becomes the superhero of Thor

Some may be particularly pleased that Thor, played by Chris Hemsworth, meets his ex-girlfriend, Jane Foster, played by Natalie Portman. As the end of the trailer already revealed, the female superhero will be Thor. But what that means for Thor’s powers remains open.

Director Taika Waititi revealed in one Interview With Wired, Part 4 is only going to be fun for him if he gets even crazier than Part 3. from July 6 2022 Marvel fans can see for themselves in the cinema. (ANB)

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Marvel fans can look forward to these 7 movies in 2022

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