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GTA San Andreas easter egg in Phantom Liberty

GTA San Andreas easter egg in Phantom Liberty

from Rhonda Bachman
Cyberpunk 2077’s developers have already hidden some Easter eggs in the base game, which was released in 2020. The Phantom Liberty expansion, released in September, also appears to be full of funny references. Players point out an Easter egg for an iconic scene from GTA: San Andreas.

The developers at CD Projekt aren’t afraid to add fun references to other video games or other pop culture events to their games. Cyberpunk 2077 is also full of Easter eggs that players usually discover after a while. Even the Phantom Liberty expansion, released in September, brought new secrets to the crazy world of cyberpunk. One of them is reminiscent of an iconic scene from GTA: San Andreas.

Cutscene reveals Big Smoke’s fast food order

An Easter egg can be found in Phantom Liberty, Dogtown, shortly after the new location arrives. Johnny Silverhand and the player character V must contact FBI agent Solomon Reed, played by actor Idris Elba. To do this, V must use an old landline connection. The scene in question can be seen in a very entertaining cutscene. Silverhand must first show V how to use the old telephone with a hand gesture.

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However, this is not the only interesting aspect. If you look closely, you can see a reference to GTA: San Andreas as soon as V picks up the phone. Below the receiver is a huge order of fast food from Big Smoke, which players have celebrated with memes and other jokes since the game’s release in 2004. “I’ll take two No. 9s, a big No. 9, a No. 6 with extra dip, a No. 7, two No. 45s, one “With cheese and a big lemonade,” Big Smoke joked in a scene in San Andreas while his friends stared in disbelief. This isn’t the first GTA Easter egg hidden in Cyberpunk 2077. Shortly after the release in December 2020, a fragment was found that references characters from the game.

Narrative director Igor Szarzynski recently spoke about his hope that the cyberpunk series will follow a similar path to that of The Witcher. Like The Witcher, this cyberpunk role-playing game can evolve with each installment. “Now that all the game elements are mature and working well, we will focus on connecting them more closely and creating a cohesive and comprehensive gaming experience,” Sarzyński said.

source: GameRant