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Filming in the Worb: Additional reporting from the group

Filming in the Worb: Additional reporting from the group

Not long ago, a production company was looking for extras from the area (BERN-OST reported). A scene with the Chosen Ones was filmed last weekend. On Saturday afternoon I was there as an extra guest. Three hours in the afternoon of shooting are freed up so that the film only runs for one minute.

I was almost notified in advance of my performance as an extra. I received an email with clear instructions on how to prepare and that there may be longer wait times between shoots. At 2 p.m., about forty additional people who responded to the call had gathered. Among the specifications is that the clothes should not be black and white and not contain a large logo. In addition, we must have spare clothes ready. Some additions to the set featured a suitcase on wheels.

Clear instructions

Our role as extras was to play the guests in an open house. This open house was erected at a construction company that put on a bid for excavators. Filming began when all the extras were distributed around the rigs in the field. The crew gave a brief introduction: “There are three important instructions: Cell phones must be muted and please do not look directly into the camera. If one team member gives an instruction and someone else gives another two seconds later, the second instruction is always important, even if it seems contradictory or confusing.” “.

From the end to the beginning

It started with the end of the rigs show, where we all had to applaud. Almost everyone was given an empty beer or sausage mug or glass as a prop to make the scene look realistic. I was given an empty glass and a mug with a used napkin. After the first shot, I was repositioned with a few more extras, closer to the camera.

Bark treats

As filming continued, we stood with our backs directly to the camera where the scene was. The crew warned us that at the same time as the applause, the Entlebuch mountain dog would start barking behind us. And sure enough, at the next photo session, the dog started barking at his trainer’s command. Since the scene ended after barking, the mountain dog then enjoyed the treats he got for his show.

Get a beer for everyone

To make the situation look more realistic, we were given the task of filming and filming the show with our mobile phones. Also, after the applause, we should start chatting. I was instructed to talk to a few people in front of me and then get everyone a beer and get out of the picture. Since the scene was shot about six times, I went for a beer six times and came back empty-handed, which led to us making jokes every time. After a few more shots, it was said it would be rebuilt.

face to face with the camera

In the next scene, the camera is two meters in front of me and is almost aimed at me. I knew the camera was shooting the scene behind me. I got nervous. My heart rate skyrocketed as the lady coming out of the mask came up to me powdering my face. While this shot is only visible for a few seconds, if you’re nervous about filming it. The prospectors showed their offer again and the camera managed to take pictures of the whole square, of course again to thunderous applause and barking at the end. The more we shoot the scene, the more real it looks.

Fatigue at the end of the turn

In the end, the crew declared the shooting over and everyone was invited to the hall for a beer. I was tired of waiting and standing in the heat. Director Pete Baumgartner was relieved when the day of shooting was over. “We have never done a shoot with so many extras and so much effort,” he said, “I’m a little done now. Tomorrow we continue shooting with an add-on that has everything.”

Good things take time

More than three hours were shot that afternoon. These three hours of shooting provide material for one minute of film. This seems to me to be a very short film time and shows how long it takes to shoot a full movie.

[i] Film shooting «Excavator Drama» I started in August. Heimatfilm, with its poetic machine designs, is about a family drama. The cast includes Bettina Stuckey (Der Pestater, Hotel Heidelberg) and Phil Hayes (“Peter Tate” in The Giacoppo/Mueller Show).