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Australia is drastically reducing litter on its beaches

Australia is drastically reducing litter on its beaches

Nature’s joy: Since the last survey in 2013, plastic pollution on Australian beaches has decreased by 29 per cent.


The essentials in a nutshell

  • Plastic pollution on Australian beaches has dropped by 29 per cent.
  • That’s according to a new survey by Australian science authorities.
  • The main focus was on which measures would be effective against plastic pollution.

to Beaches of Australia Plastic pollution has decreased by 29 percent since the last survey in 2013. A new one study The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) shows that.

The survey included 562 new areas in 32 localities. Attention: Information What methods to collect of the municipal authorities at Very successful against plastic pollution.

Strategies are planned and segmented Scientific behavior was separated. Planned behavior includes educational programs and recycling guides. The scientific side, on the other hand, involves strategies such as increased monitoring of illegal dumping.

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The result shows: Scientific strategies produce better results. CSIRO researcher and co-author studyDenise Hardesty: “For example, household collection services that have multiple waste and recycling streams make it easier for community members to separate and dispose of their waste properly.”

Hardesty said raising the trash fee would have a second major effect on reducing plastic pollution along shorelines. CSIRO’s goal is to reduce coastal pollution by 80 percent.

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