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Asked – Chaser: Boos against poachers – ‘This has never happened to me before’

Asked – Chaser: Boos against poachers – ‘This has never happened to me before’

On Friday evening, September 29, familiar faces will be sitting behind the candidates’ desks. In this edition, presenter Alexander Bomis welcomes the actors from “Babylon-Berlin” Tristan Potter, Jordis Tribble, Ronald Zuhrfeld and Meret Becker to “Gefragt – Gejagt”.

As Alexandre Pomis explained at the beginning, celebrities don’t get any special treatment. The rules stay the same. And then it begins: the first candidate takes part in a quick round of guessing conducted by Alexandre Boumis. When the fisherman comes to the studio, something happens that has never happened before in “Gefragt – Gejagt”.

“Question – stalker”: booed in the ARD studio

Participants actually look up to the hunters. Here and there, competition experts receive applause and cheers as they enter the ARD studio for the first time that evening. But today everything is different: the candidates were quick to boo Klaus Otto Nagosnik, known as “The Librarian.”

It seems that the actors will resort to any means necessary to win at the end of the evening. This appears to include psychological warfare in the form of booing. The fisherman doesn’t care much about the greeting and says, “This has never happened to me before, but all this is happening for the first time in my life.” Does the candidate’s tactic of annoying the hunter work?

“Ask – Pursued”: Two candidates in the final

In the end, two candidates reached the final against Klaus Otto Nagosnik. They have managed to secure a total of €4,500 and now have to deliver one final time. However, the boos didn’t seem to do much good. The hunter triumphs and makes the cast of “Babylon Berlin” look old when it comes to the test questions.

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The ARD channel shows the program “Gefragt – Gejagt” seven days a week from 6 pm on the TV program and then online in the media library.