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A Swiss banker pleads guilty to tax crimes in the United States of America

A Swiss banker pleads guilty to tax crimes in the United States of America

From the Chef of the Zürcher Allied Finance Trust, the Tochtergesellschaft of the Liechtensteiner Allied Finance Group, there will be “Mitverschwören” also with 60 Million Dollars from US-Steuerzahlern auf undeklarierte Ihag-Bankkonten Transferiert, wie einer Mitteilung des US-Justizdepartements vom Donnerstag zu entnehmen he.

The Swiss was arrested in Italy in August 2023 and extradited to the United States. According to the statement, he now faces up to five years in prison, in addition to fines and demands for compensation.

Early in the spring of 2023, a senior employee of Ihag Holding pleaded guilty to US authorities for aiding and abetting tax evasion. In 2021, the US judiciary brought charges against six bankers from Ihag Privatbank and Allied Finance.

According to the indictment, the bankers carried out a scheme called the “Singapore Solution” in which American taxpayer money was transferred through various bank accounts in Hong Kong and elsewhere into newly opened accounts in the name of the Singapore asset management company Ihag. . American customers paid Ihag and other parties high fees for it.

Ihg Private Bank itself reached an agreement with the US Department of Justice in the tax dispute in November 2015. It paid a fine of $7.45 million for it.