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A Paris Marathon runner at the end of his powers sparks controversy

A Paris Marathon runner at the end of his powers sparks controversy

A man crossed the finish line of the Paris Marathon on Sunday in a desperate state. The images elicit mixed reactions.

April 16, 2024 at 1:17 pmApril 16, 2024, 4:32 p.m

Sports coach Dorian Lovett shares on his Instagram account a video of a marathon runner who has reached the end of his strength. However, he seemed to be doing his best to finish the race. Then Dorian Lovett himself rushes to help the man reach the finish line of the Paris Marathon with him.

This is how the whole thing looked so fragile:

At the expense of Dorian Lovett There are many positive reactions to the video. Everyone praises the help provided by the coach and congratulates the runner. Comments say: “You won't see anything more beautiful today” or “Inspiration.” Some people only regret that no marathon runner stops to accompany the athlete in his final meters. The young runner in the video is one of 54,175 runners in the 2024 Paris Marathon, only 3% of participants did not finish their race.

But when you look at the pictures, the interpretations differ. This is what the newspaper “La Dépêche” discovered on Tuesday when it discovered the many negative comments about this video on the X Sportricolore account. Here are some of them:

“Is it really worth ending up in this situation?”

Thoughtful user

“Any organizer of the event should have stopped it before it got to this point.”

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“This is just completely stupid!”

Someone else says

“There is nothing beautiful or inspiring about someone having a nervous breakdown. This video is a disgrace!”

what did she say!

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Source: BBC screenshot / BBC screenshot

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