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A bench break in Tücking: Hagen .'s dream place

A bench break in Tücking: Hagen .’s dream place

From the outside, it’s a bank like any other: but the place in Tücking offers a great view and invites you to stay.

This seat is more than just a seat. It offers an allegory of Hagen’s complex mixture. A bike tour leads along the Ruhrhöhenweg from Volmarstein through Café Halle into the lush green of the Tückingen Forest. About ten meters from the residential street “Auf der Halle” you will find this cozy square at its highest point. The meeting point is complemented by powerful gray boulders as additional seating at the interface between green pastures and forests. An obvious popular place, as suggested by the widespread prevalence of civilized litter. The bastard man – about a hundred cigarette butts on the dirt floor confirm this. The fact that there is no litter box is in no way a justification for this environmental violation.

+++ Summer Series Concept +++

Only the look towards the horizon calms the mind again. The wind whispers in the foliage of the mighty oak that provides gentle midday shade. At an exposed point of the Tücking ridge, the view falls to the right in the direction of the Ruhr, to the left in the direction of Sauerland. A steady westerly wind drives the sonorous roar of the A1 up the slope. Only this background noise prevents the pure feeling of the Alpine foothills. This place, where both dog and horse owners lead their animals on leashes, certainly has the corresponding potential.

world view

The academic debate that often takes place in Hagen about whether the city belongs to the Sauerland or the Ruhr region is answered here: both are correct. The power plant and industrial towers on the horizon are as much a part of the city’s history as the low green mountain ranges, highway bridges and silhouettes of windmills on the other side. Classic hinge function.

One additional hill, a treetop path was to be created by a similar approach between Hinnenwiese and Kaiser-Friedrich-Turm. Here, on a geographical front, it was possible to bring the city-dwellers of the Ruhr region closer to the beauty of the nature of Sauerland. Here it was possible to open the eyes of the younger generation in particular, who intend to fight vigorously against the consequences of climate change. Passé – This train passed Hagen again.

Instead, a realistic balance still applies: the temptations of outdoor recreation in Hagen – these are the open-air museums, paddle boats in Hengsteysee and mini golf in Jägerruh. Oh yeah: and of course the iconic three-tower hiking trail that our municipal tourism connoisseurs love to adorn themselves with and have been relaxing creatively ever since. By the way, also a symbiosis of nature and industrial experience.

Attractive mountain bike area

The roads around “Café Halle” offer similar possibilities for free time – perhaps this time primarily as an area for mountain bikers. A ‘Tü-Trail’, a powerful bike path over the Tücking ridge, can be built between the A1 Haspe and Vorhalle junctions – with the best access from the Ruhr. A scenic route, sporting challenges and exciting cultural industrial potential, given the scenic remote landscape. And the food purveyor along the way, which gives Tückingschulstraße so much traffic of lazy weekend gourmet guests, is unlikely to resist such a perspective.

Dreams of the Future These project ideas are usually quickly lost in Hagen in the dense undergrowth of those who formulate their fears. This does not detract from enjoying the landscape on the popular bench. On the contrary: if you want to enjoy the largely serene view of Volmarstein and mixed forests, horse meadows, and clouds horizon, but also the remaining areas of spruce ravaged by the bark beetle, you don’t need a group of cyclists. Agro-cultural landscapes blend with forested areas and residential areas located above the slopes. Typical of a city with many river valleys, which is always looking for a balanced symbiosis between urbanism and the untouched natural experience.

Another sip from the water bottle, a bite at the Körner Bar and the tour continues. I come back to rest, to enjoy the panorama, to think and let my thoughts wander. The city needs places like this: not expensive at all and yet a great value.

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