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Whatsapp: Hold down the button – and you will activate a function

Whatsapp: Hold down the button – and you will activate a function

Everyone knows the problem. You just want to quickly finish typing the text message on Whatsapp and hit – there’s a typo. This button activates a function that can save you a lot of time when making corrections.

WhatsApp: How to fix typos in seconds

Nowadays, a large proportion of communication between people takes place via various messaging services such as Whatsapp and Co., Ltd. Although voice messages and sending GIFs have become popular, many still resort to texting — even for longer messages that can span several paragraphs. In particular, a typo is nerve-racking and time-consuming. Often the writer has no choice but to delete the last few words to correct the error. On the other hand, others are trying hard to find the place where the wrong letter is on their finger. But be careful! With this function this no longer happens.

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Not everyone knows the button that allows you to quickly and easily go to the part of the text that needs to be reviewed before sending the message. Actually it’s very easy. First, you have to hold down the space bar and at the same time move your finger towards the word you want to correct. Release the space key again in the desired location and voila – the error can be corrected in a jiffy.

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But like many things in life, this trick also has an upside. Especially with Whatsapp, the default settings can be such that the keyboard language is changed instead of activating the cursor when you hold down the space bar. However, on most smartphones, this can be turned on and off in the settings.