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Suffering from cancer: Prince William speaks about Kate's health

Suffering from cancer: Prince William speaks about Kate's health

At the invitation of Prince William, the Sovereign's Garden Party was held this week in the garden behind Buckingham Palace.

Imago/Spotlight Royal

Prince William hosted a party in a London park this week. In addition to the sweet small talk, more serious topics are also said to have been discussed – such as the health of his wife, Princess Kate.

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  • Prince William enjoyed the support of his cousins ​​at a Buckingham Palace garden party in London this week.
  • In addition to sweet small talk, more serious topics were also discussed during the royal party.
  • When a guest asked about his wife Kate's health, William reportedly said: “She's getting a little better every day. Things are moving forward.”

In the past few weeks and months, the media has focused primarily on disputes within the British royal family. But this week the young royals proved there is another way.

At the invitation of Prince William, the “Sovereign's Garden Party” was held in the garden behind Buckingham Palace in London. The 41-year-old had to leave behind his wife, Princess Kate, and his father, King Charles, who were recovering from cancer.

Along with the heir to the British throne were his cousins, Princess Beatrice, Princess Eugenie, and Zara Tindall – accompanied by her husband, Mike Tindall – as well as his cousin, Peter Phillips.

Prince William: “The weather is good for swimming”

The young royals braved the heavy rain and greeted guests with umbrellas in hand.

Like the British ones “daily Mail” He writes that Prince William did not let the heavy rain spoil his mood. He is said to have said to a guest while laughing: “The weather is good for swimming.”

In addition to pleasant small talk, more serious topics were discussed during the royal garden party, the German journalist wrote Arendt Strieglerwho was part of the carefully selected group of guests.

Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie stand next to their cousin Prince William during a Buckingham Palace garden party.
Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie stand next to their cousin Prince William during a Buckingham Palace garden party.

Imago/Spotlight Royal

He is Reporter for a tabloid magazine “Gala” He seemed to listen particularly well when Prince William spoke to those in attendance.

The host didn't make much of it, but what the heir to the throne said certainly gives reason for hope.

When a guest from Italy asked him how his wife Kate was doing, William reportedly said: “She feels a little better every day. Things are moving forward.”

Prince William is going through a tough time

However, journalist Arndt Striegler not only carefully listened to what the royals discussed with the guests, but also watched them closely.

Prince William in particular acted in a very friendly and professional manner during the garden party and shook many hands.

And more: “But you can somehow tell he's having a hard time.”

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