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Humiliating the viewer – this is how the act is justified

Humiliating the viewer – this is how the act is justified

Oliver Bucher publicly insulted a viewer. Now the comedian is making a clear statement.

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Instagram/ @oliverpocher – Oliver Pocher makes a statement.

The basics in a nutshell

  • Oliver Bucher insulted a spectator during a show in Stuttgart.
  • In his next appearance, he addresses the scandal.

Oliver Bucher (46) is known to not mince his words. The comedian often likes to make fun of others – but he's gone too far lately.

At the SWR Summer Festival, Bucher publicly exposed himself as a spectator. SWR then distanced itself from him. And first? He will use the scandal in his next show!

And here the viewer is still laughing. (Face retouched by – Instagram

During his appearance in Klagenfurt, Austria, Bucher discussed the incident again. He films his speech to the audience on his cell phone and posts the clip on Instagram.

Boucher: “Because now people are just bullying as much as they can.” Fun fact again: The young lady who was there was a fan. Plus, the viewer “didn't have any crying spells or anything.”

Oliver Bucher: “You have to go”

Bucher asserts: The viewer who photographed him and called him a “virgin” simply wanted her not to appear on television.

The comedian did not mention that he posted the excerpt himself on Instagram.

The viewer revealed to Boucher where she works and that she is single. Then she feared the consequences from her employer.

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During his appearance in Austria, the 46-year-old explained: “This is also a comedy event! And if you can't resist getting in line in the front row, you should go!” This is followed by applause from the audience.

Oliver Bucher continued: “Everyone who sits in the audience of his show must bear a saying.” After that, Amira Boucher (31 years old) criticized her ex, saying: “I also have to bear the fact that my wife is now in a relationship with another man.”

This is followed by a hymn of praise for Xavier Naidoo (52) and Rammstein, who, according to Bucher, have been criticized in the media for no reason.

“Mentally during puberty”

In the comments, Boucher was severely criticized for his statement. One follower was angry: “You are a man over 40 years old, a father of five children, and you are still mentally mature. Be ashamed in front of your daughter! What would you say if a comedian spoke to your daughter that way?

Others find his behavior “shameful” and “unfunny.”

Oliver Bucher has made headlines in recent months mainly with his separation from his wife, Amira. Bucher repeatedly harassed the mother of his two younger sons and their new partners. The comedian kept changing his tone every now and then.