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Hegerberg runs away before kick-off against Switzerland

Hegerberg runs away before kick-off against Switzerland

Ada Hegerberg is not in any action against Switzerland.Photo: Cornerstone

07/25/2023, 10:37 a.m07/25/2023, 11:07 a.m

A strange scene before the Women’s World Cup match between Switzerland and Norway. Ada Hegerberg, the star Scandinavian striker, was in the starting line-up as the national anthem was played on the pitch. And then, when the game was supposed to start, the 28-year-old ran off the field and disappeared into the dressing room. She was replaced by Sophie Hough.

Hegerberg says goodbye.Video: streamja

In the lead-up to the game, tensions were reported between Hegerberg and coach Hege Riise. The first report from the Norwegian team was that the attacker injured herself during the last sprint of the warm-up exercises. But this seemed unlikely because otherwise she would hardly have lined up for the national anthem, which was played just a few minutes into the warm-up.

In the meantime, it is simply said that Hegerberg must feel basically uneasy. The striker also returned to the Norwegian bench after the break. The second half of the duel takes place against Switzerland. There were no goals yet. (Abu)

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