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Weird Christmas traditions from around the world: how many of them do you know?

Weird Christmas traditions from around the world: how many of them do you know?

How do you actually celebrate Christmas in Japan? Or in Slovakia? There are different customs around the world during Advent. Do you think you know them all? Then prove it in the test!

December 23, 2023 at 7:09 pmDecember 23, 2023, 8:00 pm

Christmas is approaching! If you're Swiss, you've probably opened a door on your advent calendar every day in December, and it's now almost empty. You've diligently baked cookies. Santa Claus came to you on December 6th and you're coming with him on Christmas Eve. Enjoy Chinese fondue. Or cheese fondue or raclette with your family. At least these are typical Swiss Christmas traditions.

But do you know how the rest of the world celebrates Christmas? What customs exist in other countries that seem strange to us?

You can test your knowledge in our Christmas quiz!

Do you know these Christmas traditions?

Christmas is celebrated differently around the world. Do you know which countries have strange customs? You can test your knowledge about Christmas here!

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