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Tüv Plettenberg station provides important advice

Tüv Plettenberg station provides important advice

  2. Linital
  3. Plettenberg

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Pollen season is no fun for drivers with allergies: but with the right measures, allergy sufferers can also get safely behind the wheel. © Avatar: DPA

When nature wakes up, for many people, it's not only the landscape's blooming time, but also the battle against watery eyes, fatigue and sneezing fits – a traffic hazard that's often underestimated. “Spring pollen not only affects our noses, but also affects driving safety,” says Wolfgang Schmidt, head of the Tüv station in Tindelen.

PLETTENBURG – About 15 percent of Germans suffer from hay fever in the spring, which presents a challenge for everyone who relies on a car. Increased fatigue, itchy eyes, and frequent bouts of sneezing are typical symptoms of a pollen allergy. “Especially on long trips, it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain concentration and alertness. There is a risk of partial sleep while driving,” says Schmidt.

But sneezing spells can also be dangerous. “During this time, we reflexively close our eyes for about a second,” warns the Tüv expert. On the highway at 150 km/h, this corresponds to a distance of about 40 meters unmanned.

Controllable ventilation

If the symptoms are not too severe, allergy sufferers can do a lot to make a car trip bearable and, above all, safe, despite the microscopic allergens. The station manager recommends, among other things, controlled ventilation. To reduce pollen contamination inside the car, it is a good idea to close the windows and sunroofs while driving and set the ventilation to recirculated air.

In addition, the pollen filter must be used effectively: Pollen filters are standard on many modern vehicles and provide effective protection as long as they are regularly maintained and replaced. For older models, it is worth considering modifying them. These filters not only keep out allergens but also keep out dust.

Inpatient care and medications

The interior should also be taken care of: a clean car interior can make a big difference. Regularly cleaning seats and mats and wiping down dashboards and other surfaces will reduce the buildup of pollen and other allergens.

On the other hand, medications should be used with caution. Taking a proven antihistamine before driving and having an anti-allergy nasal spray on hand can significantly relieve allergy symptoms and improve your ability to drive. But be careful: some hay fever medications can make you tired and should only be taken in consultation with a medical professional; Especially when using the medicine on the road.

Breaks and information

In addition, regular breaks should be taken on long trips. Wearing sunglasses is just not a good idea when the sun is shining. It also protects the eyes from pollen. A medical mask can also prevent inhalation of allergens. Information about current pollen levels can help plan trips to reduce allergic reactions. Online platforms and applications provide useful insights into this.

“If you are about to have a sneezing fit while driving, it is safer to pull over to the right and stop if possible. When your nose stops twitching and the fit subsides, you can continue driving with caution,” says the station manager. If the pollen count is very high, you should You simply have to let someone else drive or use other means of transportation.