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This is how the first exchange of old toys took place in Newburgh

This is how the first exchange of old toys took place in Newburgh

57 minutes ago

More than 200 visitors from all over Germany and Austria flock to the first antique toy exchange in Newburg. Organizers and exhibitors are overwhelmed by the response – and awash in nostalgia.

Sebastian Lenzen walks around the pit stable. He's fishing. In search of deals. According to rarities. And everything he loved is still missing from his collection. Sebastian Lenzen searches for old games for game consoles such as Playstation or Nintendo. The man from Chemnitz made the long journey from Saxony to Neuburg to go hunting in the city's first old-game exchange. And of course he found what he was looking for, like many of the many visitors. If you ask the man from Chemnitz how many matches he has played at home, he won't be able to give an exact number. “It's a whole room full,” Lenzen laughs.

He is just one of many. The trade fair opened its doors in the stable area at 11 a.m. on Saturday, and in the evening organizer Christoph Eitelhuber reported 200 visitors. An impressive number for such a private trade show and the first of its kind in Newburgh. The about 20 exhibitors were delighted. Anyone who visits such an exhibition, like some visitors, coming from Hamburg or Vienna, also takes something home with them. After all, they're all looking for nostalgia.

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