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The United States has strongly criticized the recognition of Palestine

The United States has strongly criticized the recognition of Palestine

“We believe that a two-state solution that is fair to Israelis and Palestinians can only be achieved through direct negotiations between the parties. The Biden administration has been working toward this for a long time,” Jake Sullivan, national security adviser to US President Joe Biden, said in Washington on Wednesday. Sullivan did not understand that it would contribute to real progress toward a peace process or a ceasefire.

Each country has the right to make its own decisions, but the United States' position on the matter is clear: a two-state solution must be achieved through direct negotiations between the parties, not through unilateral recognition. US President Biden has recorded this many times.

Norway and two EU countries, Ireland and Spain, had earlier announced their recognition of Palestine as a separate state. Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Kerstor, Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris and Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez announced on Wednesday that the move would be formalized on May 28.

The three countries hope it will provide an impetus for the so-called two-state solution, where Israelis and Palestinians live peacefully with each other in the future.