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That's why they still have their nicknames

That's why they still have their nicknames

More than four years ago, the couple moved from England and stepped down as senior royals. Author and palace expert Tom Quinn tells the Mirror that there were discussions about the titles afterwards.

King Charles, 75, and Prince William, 41, are said to have had “long discussions” about the Sussexes' titles. But they came to the conclusion that Harry and Meghan would remain a duke and duchess. The reason: “They were afraid it would make the situation worse.”

The king and his heir to the throne fear that withdrawing the title will only benefit dropouts from the royal family. Because that will give them another reason to complain.

In addition, Charles and William knew that it made no difference whether Harry and Meghan got their titles or not. “They will travel the world as if they were still royals. Most people will receive them that way.

This was also evident in Nigeria. Accordingly, royal dropouts are being criticized for treating the trip like an official tour. It is said that King Charles and William were unhappy about this.

After all, Prince Harry and Meghan had to give up their military and HRH titles. This means that they can no longer be referred to as “His Majesty” or “Her Majesty”.