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Tesla’s giant battery blazes in Australia: warning of toxic fumes

Tesla’s giant battery blazes in Australia: warning of toxic fumes

In a storage facility Tesla A fire has broken out in Bouldercombe, Australia.Big Bessie“. This is a giant lithium-ion battery, which is officially called Megapack 2.0. In total, the storage facility contains 40 large batteries.

Police there said there was a battery Hazardous fumes occur in the immediate environment. To avoid this, residents were advised to stay in their homes.

You should keep windows and doors closed – people with respiratory problems should keep their medicines nearby. Although the fire was contained, Tesla advised emergency services to fully extinguish the fire.

➤ Read More: How to deactivate swollen lithium-ion batteries?

Convert to other units

“Police will continue to monitor the situation as there are many batteries at the site and there is a possibility of fire. Exaggerates and poses a greater risk,” it says. To be on the safe side, the surrounding batteries are cooled with water until the fire is completely extinguished. This may continue for several days.

Tesla and the renewable energy developer Genex, We want to investigate the cause of the fire, whose personal site the computer is on.

A political debate was sparked

Giant battery fire sparks political debate in Australia Loud Matt Canavan, An Australian Liberal National Party senator wrote on Twitter (X) that the fires show Australia’s new energy grid is worse than the old.

Then he replied Chris Bowen, federal minister for climate change and energy, Canavan’s party will find any excuse to demonize renewable energy. “Last week a gas cylinder caught fire at a petrol station in my constituency. There was a series of explosions and a huge fire. “I don’t remember you making the energy conservation decision from that?” Bowen writes.

A 50 MW battery is expected to produce more 4,000 families Can provide clean electricity. Energy is generated through local solar modules and nearby wind and solar parks. Construction of the facility costs money 60 million dollars.