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“Some broke down in tears”: Migros terminates the service of its pregnant employees

“Some broke down in tears”: Migros terminates the service of its pregnant employees

Migros is laying off about 150 employees. (archive photo)


Migros will cut about 150 jobs in the coming months. Austerity measures also affect pregnant women.

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  • Migros will cut about 150 jobs in the coming months.
  • Austerity measures also affect pregnant women, research shows.
  • One insider says some employees “broke down in tears.”

Migros is facing radical change.

The supermarket's new boss Peter Diethelm has announced he will cut 150 full-time jobs. The goal of this restructuring is “simplified processes, lean structures and clear roles.” The marketing department at Limmatplatz headquarters in Zurich was particularly affected.

In addition to the layoffs, about 100 employees are expected to accept contract changes. These employees can continue to work at the Migros supermarket branch, but in new roles, perhaps with lower workloads or lower wages.

Austerity measures also affect pregnant women

how «CH Media» As we have learned, this cost-cutting measure also affects at least three employees who are expecting a baby soon and are currently on maternity leave.

They have been informed that they will receive a notice of termination after the statutory deadline has expired.

Migros confirmed this approach upon request and explained: “Due to the significant job cuts, pregnant women and women on maternity leave are also affected. They are subject to ban periods and protection from dismissal. All affected people receive additional benefits from the social plan.

Confusion and uncertainty

According to CH Media, the announcement of the terminations caused confusion. In an online chat, it was announced that affected employees would be notified via email.

However, these emails did not immediately clarify whether they were a termination or change to the contract. Staff received final information only in personal discussions, causing uncertainty and psychological stress for many.

This led to many employees initially hoping to continue working in a new role, but were later disappointed. “Many are devastated. “Some broke down in tears when they received their termination notice,” an insider told CH Media.

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