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Real Bank in the vortex of “Finaport leaks” – inside Paradeplatz

Real Bank in the vortex of “Finaport leaks” – inside Paradeplatz

Reyl Bank will become the next hotspot for Swiss banking. The Italian branch of the Intesa Sanpaolo company shines in the so-called “Finaport leaks.”

This refers to the sanctioned Russians who entrusted their money on a large scale to Zurich asset management firm Finaport.

The media consortium had this revealed last fall.

The role of Riel Bank remained hidden.

Alarm in Calvin City (IP)

Many of the affected Russian assets were seized there. Now the ground is shaking at the institute, whose headquarters are in Geneva and whose branches are in Zurich and Lugano.

According to a source, Venma has invaded Riel's house. The supervisory authority prohibited the bank from removing so-called PEPs.

This refers to politically exposed people. They must now look for another port for their wealth.

At parent company Intesa in Turin, the bulbs glow bright red. Apparently the bosses there sent internal inspectors.

They are said to have pitched their tents at the Real branch in Lugano. Your mission: Investigate all incidents related to Daughter Riel around Venaport.

“The bank has always acted, and continues to act, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations,” a Reyl Intesa Sanpaolo spokesperson said when asked.

“The bank prohibits transactions that do not comply with sanctions laws, and regularly updates its sanctions checklists in compliance with full regulatory compliance.”

The Swiss financial regulator in Bern did not want to comment specifically.

A spokesperson for the authority said: “As usual, FINMA does not comment on the details of its supervisory activities in individual institutions.”

Russian ballet? (Real)

According to insiders, Reyl Bank has now fired a customer advisor. Report to the Head of Private Banking.

The two are said to be the central figures in the “Finaport leaks” in Riel, the defendant continues.

The bank's longtime executive vice president, Reel, has already disappeared.

His name is Nicolas Duchenne. He's been away all night – despite having previously been announced as the next CEO.

On the Rail website Duchêne continued to be listed as one of five partners this morning.

Also gone is Thomas Fontaine, who, like Duchenne, had partner status at Riel and looked after the family offices.

On his website on LinkedIn Fontaine still presents himself as a “partner” of the Rail Group. But it can no longer be found on Reyl's home page.

According to insiders, internal investigators will also look into the role of the head of private banking Lorenzo Rocco di Torrebadola Operate.

For more than a decade, he has been part of the circle of illustrious partners – the “chosen few” of RIL.

Officially, the former banker at CS First Boston, who spends his free time… Audi cockpit He has been doing racing tours in the canton of Zug for four years (according to another entry in the Bernese Oberland).

When he is not traveling to clients, he usually orders his subordinates on site at his Geneva headquarters, insiders claim.

His less sensitive driving style is a problem there.

According to people inside the bank, Francois Riel's move has nothing to do with the investigation into the Finaport case.

His announced move from CEO to board has been long planned. Former federal chancellor Ruth Metzler, a director of the Brands Group, also sits on RIL's board of directors.