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Prince William: After Kate was diagnosed with cancer, this has now come to light

Prince William: After Kate was diagnosed with cancer, this has now come to light

One can't help but feel sorry for Prince William. After his father, King Charles III. When he was diagnosed with cancer, his wife, Kate Middleton, was also affected. The Princess of Wales made the announcement herself in an emotional video message on Friday, March 22.

Outwardly, Prince William tries not to show anything, attending public appointments – at home he was strong for his family. But the long uncertainty about his wife's health made some of his actions appear in a difficult light. But with today's knowledge, many things have become clearer.

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After King Charles III. After they had largely retreated, Prince William intervened. He was originally supposed to attend the important date on February 27, when a memorial service was held for the late Greek King Constantine, who was also William's godfather.

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But shortly before the event, the 41-year-old canceled and decided not to attend due to a “personal matter”. According to experts, there was no contact with Kate at that time. The heir to the throne received severe criticism for this and at the same time concerns were growing about the Princess of Wales. However, William continued to stay out of the limelight and put comments aside.

With the announcement that Kate had been diagnosed with cancer, it is now clear that his absence had something to do with it. As Kate shares in her video message, she started chemotherapy at the same time. It seems that Prince William decided to stay with his family in this difficult situation.