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Goku and Klass send Germany to search for the treasure

Goku and Klass send Germany to search for the treasure


Who will find the million that Goku and Klass hid?

Goku and Klass send Germany on a treasure hunt with just seven minutes of air time – and they have a million euros hidden somewhere. But first you must decode the code.


With their win in “Joko & Klaas vs. Prosieben” last Tuesday (November 7), Joko Winterscheidt (44) and Klaas Heufer-Umlauf (40) each earned 15 minutes of airtime at their leisure.

imago images/image of the future

  • Hosts Jocko Winterscheidt and Klaas Heofer-Umlauf send Germany on a treasure hunt.

  • A suitcase containing a sum of one million euros is deposited in a secret location somewhere in Germany.

  • Finding it requires combination skills and puzzle skills.

Artists Joko Winterscheidt and Klas Hefer-Umlauf Somewhere in Germany A hidden bag worth a million euros. In their new ad campaign “Joko & Klaas Live: The Treasure Hunt,” the two fan-favorite actors are donating treasures for the first time Broadcasting is painstaking On several evenings. “Today we will begin work that will change life in Germany forever,” Klaas promised on Wednesday evening.

The code behind the silly dialogue

“We’re going to hide a treasure and each of you has the chance to find it,” Goku added. The duo opened a metal bag containing a lot of money. Every day at 8:15 p.m., there are new puzzles and thus clues to the whereabouts of the suitcase. The free airtime available to them will be split up until Tuesday (November 14). First, they sat at opposite ends of the table and kept throwing the words “so,” “no,” and “how” at each other, with alternating hand movements. The code behind the scenes leads to numbers.

“Only those who solve all the puzzles correctly by next Tuesday will receive the geographical coordinates and digital code of the bag,” Prosypin explained in a statement. Whoever reaches the secret location first and can open the treasure chest will receive one million euros. Goku and Klass regularly compete against their employer on the show “Goku and Klass vs. Procepin”. If they win the show on Tuesday night, they can do whatever they want for 15 minutes live on prime-time television the next day.

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