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Does a16z want to leave America?

Does a16z want to leave America?

Venture capital fund Andreessen Horowitz (a16z) is the latest in a line of crypto firms seeking greener pastures outside the US. The world’s largest venture capital firm has announced the opening of an office outside the country.

Chris Dixon, co-founder of the fund, cited a “predictable business environment” as a key reason for the decision, amid a spate of enforcement actions against US-based crypto firms. Press release is called

UK welcomes blockchain technology

According to Dixon, the parties involved decided to open the London office after a “productive conversation” with UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and lengthy but constructive discussions with the UK Financial Services Commission, UK Treasury and policy makers. he said:

We are very excited to open our first international office in a country that embraces blockchain technology and are committed to creating a predictable business environment by following regulations that support web3 and protect consumers.

Dixon assured that the company will not leave the US, will continue to invest there, and will continue to work with regulators to provide more clarity for crypto businesses.

Sunak is “thrilled” by the decision.

Sunak, who is also a cryptocurrency advocate, said a16z chose to expand in the UK because its country has the right policies and regulations to encourage innovation, but not at the expense of consumer protection. He comments:

I am delighted that leading global investor Andreessen Horowitz has decided to open its first international office in the UK.

The company is also opening a crypto school in London

a16z plans to launch a new Crypto Startup School (CSS) in the English capital next year. It will target domestic and foreign entrepreneurs who want to pursue careers in Blockchain and Web3. More than 8,000 people applied for the last CSS program and a16z invested in two dozen companies.