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Children’s Swimming Class: Charlene is in her element and cheerful

Children’s Swimming Class: Charlene is in her element and cheerful

Charlene from Monaco attended a Swim with Kids event in South Africa for her foundation.


Charlene from Monaco took part in a children’s swimming tournament on her own in her old homeland of South Africa. The Monaco woman seems cheerful and friendly.

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  • Charlene Monaco is residing in her old homeland of South Africa.
  • The former swimming athlete attended a student swimming event on Friday organized by her organization.
  • Charlene is smiling in the published photos.
  • Prince Albert II is not there.

Charlene Monaco visits her old homeland in South Africa. The Monaco woman attended a swimming course for local children.

On Friday, a beaming Charlene appeared at a “learn to swim” event for schoolchildren in Sun City, about 150 kilometers northeast of Johannesburg.

It’s the perfect occasion for Charlene from Monaco, where she is a professional swimmer herself. She won three gold medals at the 1999 All Africa Games.

Charlene Monaco is currently visiting her old home in South Africa. There, the former athlete participated in a children’s swimming competition and was beaming from ear to ear.

Swimming course organized by the Charlene Foundation

The Royal Palace in Monaco published some photos from the royal swimming event and wrote: “As part of her visit to South Africa, Her Royal Highness Princess Charlene participated yesterday in the “Learn to Swim” swimming course in Sun City, which is intended for 100 people. Children from schools in the area were organized. The workshops were implemented by the teams of the Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation in South Africa, in partnership with the Save Life Organization in South Africa.

In the photos, Charlene can be seen among the young swimmers – with a beaming face.

Once wearing the local T-shirt, she can be seen in another photo in a crowd of children – with the unicorn mascot.

Charlene’s children stayed at home. Her twins Gabriella and Jack recently started school.

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SRF President Mona Fitch and radio presenter Tom Geisler are collaborating. Her first play is a combination of survival camp, class reunion, and self-help group. The tour begins on September 16th.

August 30, 2023