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Be careful, phishing!  A message from Postfinance turned out to be a scam – Kassensushi Espresso

Be careful, phishing! A message from Postfinance turned out to be a scam – Kassensushi Espresso

Be careful, phishing! The message from Postfinance turned out to be a scam – Kassenrutsch Espresso – SRF

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  • Criminals send deceptively real-looking messages to Postfinance customers: access to electronic banking must be reactivated.
  • The letter is properly stamped and printed on high quality paper. It contains a QR code and a link.


Mail fraud is still new, even to police.


Since the letter also contains the recipient's personal Postfinance card number, Postfinance recommends blocking the card in question upon request from the SRF.

Emails, SMS or WhatsApp messages are known to be misused for phishing. The fact that the scammers pay postage and use high-quality stationery is surprising. This is also not the case with the Zurich cantonal police, which runs a Swiss-wide anti-online fraud platform called “We have not seen such a message yet.” When asked by SRF, Postfinance also said that phishing by mail is somewhat unusual.

Espresso, 5/28/24, 8:10am

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