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Zskarn in Aberrus has been stripped of its RNG effect

Zskarn in Aberrus has been stripped of its RNG effect

from Susan Brown
Zskarn, the sixth boss of Raids Aberrus in WoW: Dragonflight, was the first boss to give self-trained groups a nut or two to crack in Legendary mode. In particular, the randomness of Dragon Fire Traps poses challenges for raiding parties of all difficulty levels. On June 28, 2023, the fight will be substantial.

On June 28, 2023, the developers of the online role-playing game World of Warcraft will not only squeeze out a few Adjustments to class balancing in PvE and PvP But they also want to make the fight against raid boss Zskarn easier in the Aberrus raid. For this to work, a particularly random component is removed from combat, such as Community Manager Sanq On the official WoW forums announce.

It states that Dragonfire Traps are constantly activated based on the location of Zskarn in the combat area. Moreover, the harm from Elimination protocol Significantly reduced and weakened debuff effect which ensures that those affected by one removal protocol get more damage from the next removal protocol – from 500 percent to 300 percent. Elsewhere, too, combat is simplified. So if you find it difficult to beat Zskarn, you should start challenging the boss on June 28, 2023. You will likely be able to find success with your fellow players from that moment on. Below you will find translated notes written by the creators of WoW (Buy now ) shared with the players.