
Complete News World

The all-new MMORPG ditches the battles, promises the best Free2Play and will surprisingly appear in 2023

The all-new MMORPG ditches the battles, promises the best Free2Play and will surprisingly appear in 2023

MMORPG Palia is being made by ex-WoW and LoL developers and is scheduled to be released for PC and Nintendo Switch later this year. There was also new information about the Blue Protocol and the upcoming WoW patch. We’ve summed up all the news.

Highlights of the week:

discussion of the week: In WoW, there was a temporary task on the test server for players to help capture the dragon Alexstrasza. However, while in captivity, she was tortured and forced to lay eggs. This led to discussions and eventually Blizzard canceled the assignment. right?

WoW Announces New Patch The new MMORPG on Steam reveals details about its classes

This is what happened in the big MMORPGs:

  • Blizzard has announced the official release date for Patch 10.1.5. Coming in July is a new Mega Dungeon, several class overhauls, and new daily quests including one for Amber Kearnen getting killed during the Legion. Additionally, a weaker hotfix featured a currently much harder boss.
  • Guild Wars 2 has announced a new fractal on July 27 (via Twitter). There was also a leak via Steam that included the name of the new expansion (via MassivelyOP).
  • The latest Necrom expansion for PlayStation and Xbox appeared at ESO.
  • On June 24, Lost Ark introduced their newest “Soul Eater,” which will be released in Korea on July 19 (via Twitter).
  • Black Desert celebrates the total of 50 million players worldwide and gives you 2 really good tokens, including 1000 crown stones that prevent your equipment from being destroyed.

This is what happened with small MMORPGs:

This is what happened with MMORPGs in development:

Chrono Odyssey – gameplay trailer

More videos

This is this week’s MMORPG news at a glance. What was your personal distinction? Did you come across anything else interesting this week that you’d like to share? Or maybe we forgot something important? Write them to us in the comments here at MeinMMO.

If you’re looking for the best MMORPGs of the moment, you’ll find them here:

Top 10 MMORPGs of 2023 – Which One Is Right for Me?