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Wolfenstein 3: Machine Games working on the highly anticipated third installment?

Wolfenstein 3: Machine Games working on the highly anticipated third installment?

Since 2017, fans of William Blazkowicz have been stranded. We last encountered the Nazi regime in Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, and ever since then fans have been eagerly awaiting a new installment in the old series. The job posting finally hints at a sequel – but for now it’s all about rumor and speculation.

The Wolfenstein series is not known for its exact sensitivity. Things get serious when William Joseph Blazkowicz is hunting down Nazi henchmen. The series has been around since 1981, Machine Games rebooted it with Wolfenstein: The New Order in 2014. Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus followed in 2017, and since then has been quiet about the revitalized main character.

>>Ten best moments from Wolfenstein: In Fight Against the System<

The co-op spin-off Youngblood hardly provided a real alternative for die-hard fans, and now a post post from the studio is giving hope. We are looking for a senior animator, and he, of course, is not yet referring to a new Wolfenstein. For this doubt you have to read between the lines and perhaps blind hope.

One of the requirements for the applicant is to have a “passion for video games, especially immersive first-person games”. This means that an Indiana Jones title that Machine Games is known to be working on is likely to be left out. Because the third person adventure here is much closer, the job advertisement also indicates that a good knowledge of the previous portfolio is required.

In addition, the future chief animator must have experience animating characters of “four-legged creatures or characters”. Panzerhound, I hear you cornered.

So we can be curious to see what machine games will finally pull out of the hat. Rumor has it that a new earthquake could be in the works. We hope to be smarter on June 11, 2023. The Xbox and Bethesda Game Show will be held on this date, as the studio is known to belong to Microsoft subsidiary ZeniMax.

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus – Switch Launch Trailer

Here’s the launch trailer for the Switch version of Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus.