
Complete News World

The current increase in coronavirus infections – Vienna Health Association

The current increase in coronavirus infections – Vienna Health Association

We also use various external services such as Google Webfonts, Google Maps and external video providers. Since these providers may collect personal data such as your IP address, you can block them here. Please note that this can severely limit the functionality and appearance of our site. The changes will take effect once the page is reloaded.

precise Details about the responsible service providers/third parties can be found below On this page.

Google web font settings:
Google Fonts does not set cookies. But if a website visitor’s browser requests a font, his or her IP address will be logged by Google and used for analysis purposes. Google, among other things, evaluates the number of visitors who use Google Fonts.

Google Map Settings:
In order for Google Maps to fully provide its service, the company must record and store data from you. This includes, among other things, the search terms entered, your IP address as well as latitude and longitude coordinates. If you use the route planner function, the starting address you entered will also be saved. However, this data is stored on Google Maps locations. We can only inform you of this, but we have no influence. Because we have integrated Google Maps into our website, Google sets at least one cookie (name: NID) in your browser. This cookie stores data about your user behavior. Google uses this data mainly to improve its services and provide you with individualized and personalized advertising.

Google Recaptcha Settings:
reCAPTCHA collects personal data from users to determine whether actions on our website actually come from humans. This means that the IP address and other data required by Google for the reCAPTCHA service can be sent to Google.

YouTube video includes:
This website uses YouTube embed function to display and play YouTube videos. We use extended data protection mode, which, according to the provider, only starts storing information about users when the video is played. The moment an embedded video starts playing, YouTube uses cookies to collect information about user behavior.
According to information from YouTube, these serve, among other things, to record video statistics, improve usability and prevent abusive behavior.
Regardless of whether the embedded videos are played or not, each time this website is accessed, a connection to the Google “DoubleClick” network is established, which may result in further data processing operations without our influence.
Further information about data protection at YouTube can be found in the data protection declaration of the service provider at:

Website optimization analytics:
This website uses Siteimprove Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Siteimprove. Siteimprove Analytics uses “cookies” – text files stored on your computer or smartphone to help the Vienna Health Association analyze how visitors use the website. The information generated by cookies about visitors’ website use is stored and processed by Siteimprove on servers in Denmark.

IP addresses are completely anonymized before the Vienna Health Association can view the data collected via the Siteimprove group. The anonymization of IP addresses and the assignment of IP addresses to aggregated data cannot be reversed.

The Vienna Health Association will use this information to evaluate the behavior of visitors to its website, to create reports on it, and ultimately to improve the website experience for its visitors. Siteimprove will not share this information with third parties or use it for any marketing or advertising purposes.

Details about responsible parties/external service providers:

Google Maps, Recaptcha and Web Fonts

Google LLC, Ireland

very: View Google Maps or use Google Recaptcha for forms
Processing operations: Collect contact data, data from your web browser and data related to the content accessed; Placement of advertising cookies by Google; Account for the individual user ID; Processing of data collected by Google
Storage period: Until you leave the site
Joint Responsible: Google LLC, Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
Legal basis for data processing: Voluntary consent that can be revoked at any time
Consequences of non-consent: Google Maps is not available to you
Legal basis for data transfer to the USA: The legal basis for data transfer to the USA is your consent pursuant to Article 49 paragraph 1 lit. in conjunction with Article 6 paragraph 1 lit. GDPR. The United States does not have a level of data protection that meets EU standards. In particular, US intelligence services can access your data without informing you and without you being able to take legal action against them. For this reason, the European Court of Justice declared the previous adequacy decision invalid in its ruling.


Google Ireland Limited, Ireland

very: Play videos
Processing operations: Collect contact data, data from your web browser and data related to the content accessed; Placement of advertising cookies by Google; Account for the individual user ID; Processing of data collected by Google
Storage period: Until you leave the site
Joint Responsible: Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland
Legal basis for data processing: Voluntary consent that can be revoked at any time
Consequences of non-consent: YouTube service is not available to you
Legal basis for data transfer to the United States of America: The Google Group transfers your personal data to the United States of America. The legal basis for data transfer to the USA is your consent in accordance with Article 49 paragraph 1 letter a in conjunction with Article 6 paragraph 1 letter a of the GDPR. The United States does not have a level of data protection that meets EU standards. In particular, US intelligence services can access your data without informing you and without you being able to take legal action against them. For this reason, the European Court of Justice declared the previous adequacy decision invalid in its ruling.