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Sarah Engels married Julianne in Bali

Sarah Engels married Julianne in Bali

Painted white in Bali

Sarah Engels married Julianne

Singer Sarah Engels has said yes to her husband, Julianne, again. Pictures from the second wedding in Bali appear on her Instagram.


Sarah and Julian Engels said yes again.


  • After their May 2021 wedding, Sarah and Julianne Engels said yes again.

  • The singer shares photos with her fans.

  • However, the photos prompt their community to joke about the soccer player’s shoes.

Sarah, 30, and Julian Engels, 29, seem to have each other Gave yes again. And the singer posted romantic pictures of the holidays on Instagram. You can see her in a long white belted dress. Her husband also wears a white uniform. The two are photographed in front of a stone statue and a pond. “Yes, I do,” the 30-year-old writes about the photos using the ring emoji: “Yes, I do” and “I will marry you again and again.” She also added the hashtags “Forever”, “Second Wedding” and “Dreams Come True”.

Below the photo are many congratulations from fans. Pictures of the two are also admired. “What a beautiful couple, such a sweet family – I always find that you can really feel the love for each other. Enjoy many beautiful moments together », writes one user. “Beautiful pictures,” says another, but critically adds: “But Your choice of shoes really takes some getting used to, even with other holiday pics.” And it’s this particular theme that prompts many to comment, because Julian wears Birkenstock birds. Another fan also says: “Very nice photo — except for the Birkenstock!” One follower jokes: “ Is this a paid advertisement?

Family vacations in Bali

The couple spent their vacation in Bali. As Engels explained in her stories, in addition to their daughter Solea (1), Alessio (7), who she has with her ex-husband Pietro Lombardi (30), was also there. Engels and Lombardi participated in the casting show “Deutschland sucht den Superstar” in 2011 and became a couple. Two years later, the two got married. They separated in 2016 and divorced in 2019.

In May 2021, Sarah Engels married soccer player Julian Bucher, who took her surname. A short time later, she announced that she was pregnant again. Daughter Soliya was born in December 2021.

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