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NATIONAL LEAGUE SATURDAY – HONKA SHOTS GENEVA IN LUCK – Bell continues to do well in stock sports

NATIONAL LEAGUE SATURDAY – HONKA SHOTS GENEVA IN LUCK – Bell continues to do well in stock sports

National League on Saturday – Honka shoots Geneva in luck – Bale continues to perform well – Sports – SRF

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  • Geneva-Servet wins the direct duel for sixth place in the National League against HC Davos 4-3 after extra time.
  • Bale beat Agui 5:3 and celebrated its sixth win in the last eight matches.
  • Friborg Gotteron lost a 2-0 lead to the SCL Tigers, but remained on the ice as the winner.

Davos – Geneva 3:4 Nevada

The duel between HCD and Geneva Servette at the Davos Ice Rink was also a meeting of two strong teams. The people of Graubünden have recently achieved four successive victories, while the French-speaking Swiss team have achieved three successive victories. The home team started the match better. After 139 seconds, Andres Ampol put his colors in front. This was the veteran's first goal in the National League since mid-November. Geneva's reaction came in the main third: Simon Le Coulter (12) and Valtteri Filppula (20) turned the match in favor of the visitors.

Shortly after half-time, Simon Knaak caught Geneva goalkeeper Yossi Olkinora between the legs. The Finn was signed due to the absence of Robert Maier and Gautier Desclos. Since both teams succeeded in the final third, the match had to be decided in extra time. Thus, Julius Honka made the decision in favor of Geneva by majority.


He was worried about the decision

Julius Honka.

Fresh Fox / Roger Albrecht

Beel – Akhi 5:3

HC Ajoie couldn't keep the momentum going after a 5-1 win over SCL Tigers on Friday night. There was a 3:5 defeat to EHC Biel. The game started promisingly for the Jurassicians of Sealand. Frédéric Gaultier capitalized after strong preparatory work by Daniel Audette (14th). The Bale team reacted in the middle third: Tino Kessler (35), Mike Kunzel (40) and Tony Rajala (40) mercilessly punished Volwind's negligence within 15 seconds. Ajoie managed to close the gap from 1:4 to 3:4 in the final third, but the conversion was no longer successful. This is the sixth victory for the runner-up in the last eight matches.

SCL Tigers – Freiburg 2:3

Second-placed Friborg Gotieron lived up to his role as favorite in third place in Langnau Elvishall. First, Christophe Bertschi caught Tigers goalkeeper Stephane Charlin between his legs (eighth minute), shortly before the end of the first half, Lucas Wallmark made it 2-0. The Langenauer side, recently on a seven-game losing streak, were not allowing themselves to be bothered by the deficit. Vili Saarijärvi (29th) and Harri Pesonen (46th) brought the home team back into the match. But Langenau's happiness did not last long. Four minutes later, Wallmark put Sunstadt back in front, and that lasted until the end of the game.

SRF Radio 1 bulletin starting at 9:00pm on 6 January 2024;

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